Partner with Dr-Vigilante!
If you are someone with a heart for the lost, are part of an animal rescue organization or work with a veterinary clinic and are interested in partnering with Dr-Vigilante, we would love to hear from you! Dr-Vigilante partners with the Off-Grid Veterinarian to provide advanced surgical and rehabilitation services to companion animals looking for a human to bond with. The Off-Grid Veterinarian dedicates all resources to each patient and is therefore limited to one patient at a time. Every companion animal that Dr-Vigilante and Off-Grid Veterinarian partner together on will be featured in their own comic book story in the world of Dr-Vigilante.
Veterinary Clinics
If a stray companion animal is brought into your clinic that is in need of advanced care, we may be able to use the Dr-Vigilante platform to provide care and find the pet a human to bond with. A local rescue organization of your choice would receive all funds donated by the adoptee.